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It is For Freedom

Aug 25, 2020

Whitney’s greatest joy comes when she is helping women live big, happy lives in the midst of a busy and broken world. She gets to do this through her podcast, A Big, Happy Life and through her program, Seven Weeks to Discover Your Big, Happy Life. She also founded a non-profit based in prayer and community and is...

Aug 18, 2020

Becky is a fervent writer, accidental speaker + self-taught artist. She adores Instagram, hates working out and is obsessive over the creamer in her coffee. She is a mom of three crazy kids and married to her high school sweetheart, who just so happens to also be her State Representative. The beat of Becky’s heart is...

Aug 11, 2020

Katie believes in the power of young women to change the world. She is the host of the Truth for your Twenties Podcast and speaker to over 30 colleges nationwide. Her husband and two daughters love exploring the mountains of Chattanooga Tennessee where they live.